Building a better Nebraska, together.

I’m Ashlei Spivey.

My Vision for Nebraska

    • Empowering Nebraskans: Every Nebraskan deserves the fundamental right to participate in and contribute to opportunities for their own economic prosperity.

    • Holistic Well-being: Our lives thrive when every aspect of our humanity is acknowledged, not just parts of it. Let’s ensure equitable access to healthcare services and resources for well-being.

    • Supporting Families: All Nebraska families deserve access to the resources necessary to raise healthy, thriving children.

    • Reimagining Wellness: It's time to overhaul systems to prioritize both individual and community well-being.

    • Ensuring Environmental Health: We must ensure that built environments prioritize air quality, access to clean water, and other basic necessities.

    • Inclusive Environments: Let's cultivate communities where every resident can thrive, finding a sense of belonging, respect, and dignity.

    • Equal Opportunities: Regardless of identity or ability, everyone should have the chance to nurture and sustain a fulfilling life within our communities.

    • Empowerment through Resources: Vibrant corridors and communities are built when individuals have unfettered access to resources essential for realizing their aspirations. This encompasses quality educational opportunities, livable wages, and comprehensive benefits.

    • The rules and operations of the legislature are crucial for advancing views and policies that prioritize the voices and experiences of all Nebraskans.

    • I am committed to protecting these tools, including the selection of committee chairs through secret ballot and the maintenance of the filibuster.

    • Each legislative session, it's essential to debate and deliberate on rules, and we need senators who will advocate for and uphold these practices diligently.

    • I am committed to ensuring Nebraska families have the right to autonomy and control over the educational journey of their students.

    • I believe public funds should be for investment in Nebraska public schools.

    • It's time to reimagine our funding formula to adequately resource public schools and strengthen our public education system, which she believes is crucial for our collective future.

    • I proudly support the current referendums and will continue to be an advocate for public education when elected.

I believe that effective, transformative policy is driven by the solutions, ideas, and leadership of those most affected, not the other way around.

People first, then policy.

At the heart of my decision-making approach are the people — our neighbors, family, and colleagues.

I believe that effective transformative policy is driven by the solutions, ideas, and leadership of those most affected, not the other way around. By prioritizing the voices and experiences of our community, we shape policies that truly make a measurable/positive impact.